18 de març 2019

77/365: 2019

I'm sure that few of you are, dear readers, knew the title person. Am I wrong? Me neither. However, last 18th February, I attended Alfons Cornella's talk, one of the best expertise around the world about disruptive innovation, where he talked, amongst many other things, about him. And I said myself: I got it! I will talk about him in my article in Modern Times: Vasili Arkhipov, the person who saved the world. That is the reason I want to write about him.

Vasili Arkhipov was one of three commanders of b-59 soviet submarine during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. USA army located it, and they started the attack against it. Soviet commanders knew that if they answered attacking them, it could be the beginning of Third World War. They needed to have three yes but Vasili said not. Today, we have realised the importance of their decision.

If Vasili had not exist or had said yes, it might have begun the Third World War and the history from then on, could have been quite different. Could you imagine it, for instance, like Terminator?

In summary, is Vasili had said yes, we would be building a new world, we don't know if would be better or worse than we are living. The issue is the importance of the little bit decisions. We must think about.

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