18 de juny 2019

170/365: 2019

I'm very happy because I attended at Demo Day Ifest. It have been organized by Imagine, the company that make the dreams come true. I have been Jury of one of their challenges, specifically about how place value on water. It has been a amazing journey. It's a shame that I have had to leave very soon, and before it was finished. Thank you, one more time, Xavier Verdaguer.

27 de març 2019


This morning students from Institut Miquel Biada have come to the school, ....mmmm, sorry, they have come to Biabanca, our ethical bank created by my vocational training students of administration. Miquel Biada students have explained them their entrepreneurship project because they needed money to build it. My students have gathered different accounting documents: the cashflow forecast, the account balance and profit and loss account and in few days my students will give the answer related your financial request. 

26 de març 2019

85/365: 2019

It seems the final but... it's a new beginning

I want to explain about “El Bulli, l’últim vals”. Yes, that is neither a contest nor a daily programme about how to cook; it’s the last day when one of the best restaurants of the world closed its doors: that’s a documentary.

The programme showed us how the last day in “El Bulli” was. It could have been a sad day, but Ferran Adrià is so special that he became it in a party. Adriá has 3 words in your brain: creativity, innovation and passion. One of the things that your friends, workers and partners said was: “There are no limits when you work next to Ferran Adria”, and this one of the best creativity principles. 

The objective of the programme is to know how it worked in “El Bulli” and how it transformed the final in the new beginning. You can see how everyone was part of the big project, and also, of the party: great chefs recognized around the world (some of them started with him), kitchen assistants, waiters, and also customers!

I love innovation and creativity; it’s for that I like this special programme. You can see most concepts needed when you want to improve anything, not just the restaurants: team work, passion for all that you do, motivation, discipline, honesty, alertness … and enjoy it! 

Whatever your job, your age, “El Bulli, l’últim vals” is worth going to see; maybe you don’t learn a new recipes, but you learn how a little project can be the biggest if you cook with the needed ingredients. 

25 de març 2019

84/365: 2019

I’m going to talk about a painting that, for at least 20 years, I ‘ve felt fascination. The first time that I’ve listened about it, it was thanks to Manel Trenchs, Art History teacher in my school. He was a conference about this painting, and it seemed me something different that how I understood the art.
The picture measures 79.5 by 79.5 cm. It was created in 1918, the year after the October Revolution, by Kazimir Malevich. It is an oil-on canvas. It is one of the more well-known examples of the Russian Suprematism movement.
Next, I want to talk about the colours. The main colour is white, yes, you are understanding right. In the foreground there is a white square shape that it seems it is coming out of the canvas. There are brushstrokes in white colour. In the background the same painting wants to seem another white square shape.
Finally, I like this painting for your simplicity and your creativity. In my opinion, I consider that it must very difficult to paint in just one colour, moreover this colour is the white.
In addition, I think it’s so peculiarity that a French playwright woman, Yasmina Reza, created a play inspired in this painting. This play is called Art, and it has become in one of the most famous in the theatre world
So, do you know which is this painting?

24 de març 2019

83/365: 2019

Sunday... after the storm comes the calm... I need to assimilate emotions from yesterday 

23 de març 2019

82/365: 2019

Great and amazing experience! 

Exciting projects, strong teams, big people!!!!!

I want to repeat soon the experience! Thank Hector, to choose me, for your confidence, and I like, one more time, to be as facilitator and to be able drive a team to visualize their new innnovative project related to the culture.

21 de març 2019


In Croatia, it's happening the Interim Review of the CRISS project. Since the Review on  3d and 4d of October in Brussels and from the PO report we have had to do some changes to improve the final result of the project. So, today, the reviewers are in Zagreb to monitorize how are developing from the Review. 

20 de març 2019

79/365: 2019

Second day in CLIL course . 

CLIL classes are different from both traditional English classes and from content classes delivered in the native language by a native speaker. When the learners are learning new content such as scientific concepts, mathematical operations, facts of history or theories of music AND English at the same time, teachers must use new methods and materials to ensure that both the English and the new content are clear and comprehensible. Simply translating materials and ideas from Catalan or Spanish is not the answer.

In other words, teachers need to manage the learners, the materials and the learning differently: this means new methods are required. This course introduces participants to the key ideas behind effective class management in CLIL classes. We will look at different types of activities that enable learners to become active learners so they engage with the new ideas and the new language and learn effectively.

We have explored how to plan lessons, how to make sure lessons have a positive start that grabs the learners' interest and makes them want to learn, and how to manage activities throughout the class so everyone is involved and learning. 
A major focus have been on how projects and problem-solving activities can be used to promote learning by making learners think, plan, cooperate and make effective decisions


1.Providing the educators and teachers with practical resourses to be able to organise, coordinate and teach CLIL through projects, using the English as the vehicular language (not only planning the project, but also during the development in the classroom).  
2.Creating the outline of a CLIL project, so that the teachers can develop it in the school at the end of the course.
3.General approach of CLIL project development, so that participants can apply it in the future projects, made by themselves

Thank Jon Wright, you are an amazing teacher! 

19 de març 2019

78/365: 2019

During this week, that it started last Monday,  vocational training  students of DAM will go to Holland to know projects related to their field of study. Good trip, students! 

18 de març 2019

77/365: 2019

I'm sure that few of you are, dear readers, knew the title person. Am I wrong? Me neither. However, last 18th February, I attended Alfons Cornella's talk, one of the best expertise around the world about disruptive innovation, where he talked, amongst many other things, about him. And I said myself: I got it! I will talk about him in my article in Modern Times: Vasili Arkhipov, the person who saved the world. That is the reason I want to write about him.

Vasili Arkhipov was one of three commanders of b-59 soviet submarine during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. USA army located it, and they started the attack against it. Soviet commanders knew that if they answered attacking them, it could be the beginning of Third World War. They needed to have three yes but Vasili said not. Today, we have realised the importance of their decision.

If Vasili had not exist or had said yes, it might have begun the Third World War and the history from then on, could have been quite different. Could you imagine it, for instance, like Terminator?

In summary, is Vasili had said yes, we would be building a new world, we don't know if would be better or worse than we are living. The issue is the importance of the little bit decisions. We must think about.

17 de març 2019

76/365: 2019

Sunday is the day that I can dedicate more time to cooking. I like cooking but, usually, I have time to do it. So, it's for that, on Sunday I try to cook new dishes. Results not are always good, but if you don't make mistakes, you can't improve. 

16 de març 2019

75/365: 2019

If today is Saturday it's time to Zumba's class! I like it because I can desconnect my brain for one hour. Thank you, Carol! 

15 de març 2019

74/365: 2019

Today is one more strike day in my schoole and in more schools around the world. The reason for it is the climate change. Moreover the leading role of this movement is Greta Thunberg. She is just 16 years old. I think Greta will be a good guide to teenagers to the world.

14 de març 2019

73/365: 2019

EdHack Krea Girona is coming... today facilitators meeting in Fundació Jaume Bofill... I'm really looking forward to it! 

13 de març 2019

12 de març 2019

71/365: 2019

I have to finish the students evaluation: attitudes, contents, … too much stress! 

11 de març 2019

70/365: 2019

My parents and me are quite nervous because we are going to know the analysis results. When we get older, we past from accompany our children to accompany our parents to the doctor. It's the life!

10 de març 2019

69/365: 2019

One more time in Brussels... This is my third time. But I'm very happy to go back for two reasons: 

- Firstly, because we are celebrating the fifty years old of Rosa Maria and Dolors
- Secondly, because yesterday we were talking with the MHP Carles Puigdemont.

Thank you for this weekend! 

9 de març 2019

68/365: 2019

Historic day in my life. I'm going to go to Waterloo to meet with MHP Carles Puigdemont, our exiled- President.

I never could imagine that I would do that in a full democracy.
The "Proces" is a really entrepreneurship project. 

8 de març 2019

67/365: 2019

International Woman Day! I don't understand why we are still claiming the same rights that when I was young.

7 de març 2019

66/365: 2019

I have English Oral class with Brigitta. I love this our of the week. 

6 de març 2019


I'm happy because today, a project born in the Final Project Degree in Vocational Training last year (Uxia: customized bags),  the woman founders will come back to the school to know the crowdfunding proposal that current students have been working during 2 weeks. 

I hope that they like it!

5 de març 2019


I will have a meeting to prepare the class programming to the course which will start on April 1t in Tecnocampus.

4 de març 2019

63/365: 2019

Today is public holiday. I will take advantage to finish the PAC 1 of  Data Analysis Techniques and to put in order my classes programmings because there will be Internal Audit on Friday, 8th March.

3 de març 2019

62/365: 2019

Sunday.. but I have to finish the PAC 1 of  Data Analysis Techniques. Deadline will be March 05th. Let's go! 

2 de març 2019

61/365: 2019

I have gone to Exporecerca to do the jury for a competition. I love this day becase it's one of the days that I start believe again in the young people. I'm impressed that youngsters are able to build these projects. Congrats, Magma Recerca for this job! 

1 de març 2019

60/365: 2019

The issue most important today is that my Dad have a appointment with the doctor. I will accompany him.

28 de febr. 2019

59/365: 2019

Happy Birthday, mom! You are 84 years old! I hope  long may this be so. I still need you. 

27 de febr. 2019

58/365: 2019

The kick-off PIA&GO 2019 will be today. Commission will met to start to plan the event. 

26 de febr. 2019

57/365: 2019

Happy Birthday, Maribel! You are 57 years old! WOW! I hope that you have a very happy day. 

25 de febr. 2019

24 de febr. 2019

55/365: 2019

Today is Sunday...but...I must to keep working in English course and marking exams and exercices. 

23 de febr. 2019

54/365: 2019

We have gone to the theater to TNC. The theater play, "La bona persona de Sezuan"  lasted 3,15 hours from 20:00 to 11;30.  It's written by  Bertolt Bercht, it's  one of the great classics of the 20th century.  

With this emblematic epic play, Bertolt Brecht offers an uncomfortable reflection. What are the limits of good intentions, especially when they do not forcefully and pragmatically confront material difficulties?

I recommend you to go to watch it. Great cast and Clara Segura did an outstanding acting job.  

22 de febr. 2019

53/365: 2019

Today I have been meeting in Caldes de Montbui City Council to analyze and talk about PIA&GO 2019. It's one of the 3 places that we are interested.

20 de febr. 2019

51/365: 2019

David, Noemí and me we have been taking some decisions about the event place  of PIA&GO 2019. We must to keep working it.

19 de febr. 2019

50/365: 2019

If it is Tuesday, I must go to the Tecnocampus with Màrian. Let's go! 

18 de febr. 2019

49/365: 2019

Radical is Normal: this is the title of conference that I have attended. It was the number 6. Alfons Cornella, as usual, has been amazing. Thanks to share your knowledge and to explain easily the complex world problems and how we can drive the solutions. 

17 de febr. 2019

48/365: 2019

Today I must go to Manuel Cusachs funeral. He's died on Thursday. He was a great sculptor of Mataró and a great person as well. I knew him in Orrius from 80's. Nowadays, he’s living in Òrrius.

He was a smart talker and he always had some interesting things to explain.

May he rest in peace

16 de febr. 2019


It's Saturday. I have a lot of English work. I hope to finish it on time. 

14 de febr. 2019


Goteo Foundation has been in Escola Pia de Mataró to make a workshop about which are the required elements to make a crowdfunding campaign could be success. It was aimed to vocational training students of Finance that they are working in a campaign to start-up (Uxia) composed by 2 alumni of last year. It's a business of sell customized bags, environment friendly and gender equality.

13 de febr. 2019

44/365: 2019

Two students Marketing helped 30 students 4t ESO  to create a campaign to blood donate. All of it, it's included in the new subject called Servei Comunitari. They used 10 hours to do it. They have prepared: posters, flyers, hashtag,... 

First step was to go to Banc de Sang in Barcelona to know how it works this Lab and, specifically, why we have to donate blood. 

A days later, they started to design the campaign, the Wenedsdays afternoon. 

Today, people could come to donate blood from 15:30 to 20 h. We have get 57 donates! A great succesful! 

12 de febr. 2019

43/365: 2019

Today, it starts the "el procés" trial. It will be long and hard. I hope that the accuseds keep strong during it. 


11 de febr. 2019

42/365: 2019

Monday... just one day to start the "el procés" trial... #freedompoliticalprisoners

9 de febr. 2019

40/365: 2019

Why a democratic country that it has a democracy from 1976, the politicians, whether politically right, left or centre must justify, day by day, that the country is democratic? Does anyone could explain me it? Maybe it isn't as democratic as like it shows, and it must explain it to the world.

I think a great shame!


8 de febr. 2019

39/365: 2019

Happy Birthday, Montse! You are 54 years old! In exactly 9 months, I will be 54 years old! Jajaja!

7 de febr. 2019

38/365: 2019

Today, my ex-student Raul Garcia have visited me to show a new business that he and another partner are starting. The business is called FinOview, and it consists in a platform can be used to make financial overviews.   

He wanted to know if it would be interesting to their business to have a new business line and to can offer the product to financial teachers. We had an interesting discussing about how could improve the product to be useful to them. 

I feel well when I can see the ex-students are running new projects: this want to say that they are become in entrepreneurs. 

Long life to the entrepreneurs!